Just Do It

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I am doing it. No more excuses. I just have to get this first article out there so that I can move forward with the millions of other articles and ideas I have stockpiled for years. It doesn’t have to be pretty, it doesn’t have to be insightful or life changing. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t have to say everything I want to say all at once.

It doesn’t have to tell you that I am a mother to three young children who recently up and moved across the country seeking new adventures and a fresh start on things.

It doesn’t have to tell you I have always loved writing and am making the commitment to carve time out for myself to do what I love. That I am writing just to write and if I inspire others along the way that is even better.

It doesn’t have to go into the details of why I have let fear, laziness, technological ineptitude, lack of time, etc. get in my way.

It doesn’t have to tell you that I want this blog to represent the things that consume me and that I hope to inspire you through my passions. That I consider parenting an umbrella term for just about anything (healthy eating and exercise, crafting ideas, play group minutiae, toddler truths, education, travel, home, finances, marriage, etc.). Or how being a mommy has impacted me emotionally, physically, intellectually, and spiritually.

It doesn’t have to tell you I’m a slight Pinterest addict who rarely actually does the projects… and that when I do they are mostly epic failures. That I get carried away with thoughts and ideas, but find it challenging to sit down and implement them.

It doesn’t have to tell you that I am a positive person who didn’t really start out that way.

It doesn’t have to tell you how far I am stepping out of my comfort zone to write on a public forum. How it took me about 9 years to warm up to the idea of Facebook or even a smart phone.

It just has to be written. No more excuses. So here it is, my first blog post. Maybe it will never look exactly how I want it. Maybe that’s the point. I am stroller savvy, not tech savvy. I need to just roll with life. I’m excited to get into the real writing, to see where this adventure leads. So here we go… I am pressing the publish button. I am also pressing the share and “like” buttons. If you want to join me on this journey and see where it takes us, please do the same.

Oh, and one more thing… I DID IT, now it is your turn! What is your thing? What have you been holding back for whatever reason? Just let go and fly.

11 thoughts on “Just Do It

  1. pinkieb12 says:

    Big ups, Andrea! I have now met you & your kids once and read your first article, both of which have been great pleasures, and I’m looking forward to more of each. You made a play date with three little ones look so doable, low key, and actually fun. I’m extremely eager to learn from you!

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